Monday, March 8, 2010

The Good Ol Hockey Game

The withdrawal has been much tougher than I expected. After all, it was only an addiction of two week before I was cut off. The Olympics. I still find myself rushing home to turn on the TV only to find Oprah and Dr. Oz. No Olympics….although there is no Dr. Phil either, but that is OK….whatever happened to Phil….alright I am digressing.

Anyway, I am sitting here watching a new episode of House, working through my Olympic withdrawal pains and I hear the “ding” of my email. It is an email from Terry who is sitting just a few feet away. What could he possibly be sending me he couldn’t just tell me? When I read the email I quickly understand….he is enabling my Olympic addiction!

It is a link for a you tube video of the entire Canadian men’s hockey team gold winning Olympic run. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. What is a video worth? The words to the song, the great pics, this is a video worth watching.

Click on it fast…..the copyright people will yank it any time now….

Just when you think you are out, they pull you back in.


1 comment:

Terry Tromanhauser said...

Here is another one for ya

Team Canada: Gold Medal Moment - Men's Hockey

T xxxooo