Sunday, September 20, 2009

Wanted: Balance in Life

I have finished two very busy, but uneventful weeks back at school. Uneventful is a very good thing. The first day of school the bell rang, the kids filed into the hallway and everyone found their class, had a desk and the teachers started teaching. Everything was the way it was supposed to be. In spite of the fact things are going smoothly, I am still busy all day long and find myself too exhausted each night to do anything productive. I hope this is just the usual “beginning of the school year” tiredness.

I must admit I probably spend too much time at night “surfing”. I am very intrigued by some blogs out there! I feel I have made a new friend in Ed from Germany but I feel like a stalker checking up on his daughter “City Wendy.” I also check up on the weather each day through Jennifer in cottage country. The exciting part of my life is actually reading about the excitement of their life!!

I can’t really complain (and shouldn’t as I am currently living and working in a complaint-free zone, but that’s another blog entry for another day). My summer was really busy and as my facebook documents, I have the photos to prove I had a great time. I need to get out of my rut I get into each year in that my job takes over my life. I need to keep a balance. I want to get fit again. I want to start writing again. I want to socialize again. I even want to spend time with hubby……I mean time we actually converse with each other.

Any suggestions out there, short of retirement, to help me stop letting school become the only facet of my life?

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Sex And The Cottage

It is a beautiful day at the cottage. The weather predicted all week has finally emerged. Sun is shining, water glistening and we are even wearing shorts and a T-shirt with no fleece anywhere to be found! Finally summer at the cottage…………..although it is Labour Day week-end not Victoria Day week-end.

My son Greg and hubby Terry are outside doing manly things. They have chopped and stacked wood. They have moved all of the tools around in the tool shed (or the studio I call it when I want to annoy Terry). They have used the pellet gun to shoot at pop bottles hanging from the trees. All of this is done while they “stoke” the fire in the fire pit. Now they have headed out on the boat to go fishing.

I am working on my laptop in between reading the paper, doing the crosswords and watching the family of ducks swim across the lake.

There are definite differences in how the sexes spend time at the cottage. (sorry if my title mislead some of you in reading this blog entry)

Are there any other differences in the sexes at the cottage? Is this a Canadian thing Ed?

Saturday, September 5, 2009


We are at the cottage again for the Labour long-week-end.

All week-end long the newscasts have stated over and over what fabulous weather we are having and how much better it is supposed to be for the week-end. In spite of the fact I still have lots of things to do in preparation for the first day of school on Tuesday, I am in the cottage looking at a cloud covered lake, listening to my husband and son cut up trees for fire wood with the chain saw. They think they are being very macho. I think they are being very loud. I am busy typing up my “School Improvement Plan” which needs to be ready for discussion with my superintendent.

Do I sound annoyed? I hope so, because I am.

OK…..I am jealous. Jealous of all those people out there who are retired and have an endless summer…………

My time will come…..2190 days…….