Thursday, June 18, 2009


I made it! I just finished the last end of the year celebration. This one was very relaxing. It was my staff at a pizza place. We ate a bit, drank a bit and talked a lot. The best part is tomorrow is Friday……………… to the cottage tomorrow night!

We have been up to the cottage a few times this year but the weather has not cooperated much. This week-end is the week-end we absolutely MUST get the docks in and the boats in the water. I am also going to get all of the guest beds made up in the Bunkie and we will be ready for the summer. Our cottage is Haliburton area, smack between Mindon and Dorset. We are on a very small lake with only about 12 cottages spread around. It is not a fancy place but it is ours and we love it. To wake up in the morning and just turn my head and I can see the lake. To sit on the deck in the evening and watch the sunset. To just do whatever we want, whenever we want. Here is my to do list for the summer:
read lots of books

  • swim across the lake

  • watch the baby loons grow up

  • write some articles while on the dock

  • be a great host to some fun guests

  • train for the 5 km

  • drink some wine

  • roast some marshmallows

  • plant some flowers

OR NOT!!!!

Lots of plans.............but no pressure.............summer time!

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